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Kauffman Center For The Performing Arts and KC Studio Magazine
Kauffman Center For The Performing Arts, Make History

The Kauffman Center for the Performing
Arts grand opening is almost here!

The weekend of September 16-18 is fast approaching and we invite you to be a part of this historic and memorable occasion.

Your company has the opportunity to be a part of history by advertising in the only official commemorative Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts Sunday open house magazine. A total of 50,000 copies will be distributed via KC STUDIO Magazine, the largest circulated magazine in the region, and the free open house on Sunday, September 18.

Please review the letter from Julia Irene Kauffman confirming our partnership with the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. Also, please find details/specs on the keepsake magazine.

Please call or email with any questions or concerns. Deadline for space reservations is July 1. We look forward to working with you.

Most Sincerely,

Holly Swyden
Senior Account Executive
816-361-0616 x3057
[email protected]

Contact Us

Deadline for space
reservations is July 1.

Showcase your company and
reach an unprecedented
audience by advertising in
this keep-sake magazine.

Contact Us


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