Bach Aria Soloists complete 24th season with Spring concert
With a program as varied as the April weather, Bach Aria Soloists leaned into seasonal offerings with a delightful “Spring Concert,” closing out their 24th season at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
“Control≈Center: Noelle Choy and Adams Puryear,” Bad Seed
How will the world end and when will it do so? This is the central question raised by “Control≈Center,” an exhibition at Bad Seed by Noelle Choy and Adams Puryear.
Beach Museum of Art exhibition “To the Stars Through Art” explores use of art in Kansas schools
Beach Museum of Art’s exhibition “To the Stars Through Art” explores use of art in Kansas schools. It features art from public schools, district offices and museums across the state of Kansas.
Beach Museum of exhibition “wood+paper+box in your hands” and Gift Print encourage interaction with art
Beach Museum of Art’s exhibition “wood+paper+box in your hands” and Gift Print encourage interaction with art. The exhibition features works by the artist collective called wood+paper+box.