The Little War explores the lives of children swept up by the storms of World War I while adults were fighting on the front line and supporting the war effort.
Inventing the Future at the Kansas City Invention Convention
The Kansas City Invention Convention (KCIC) is a STEMIE competition and outreach program presented by the Linda Hall Library that supports 17 counties and 31 school districts throughout the Kansas City metro area.
Nerman Museum exhibition highlights works by local artist Elizabeth Layton
The Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art at Johnson County Community College is hosting an exhibition of Elizabeth Layton’s work, Drawing as Discourse, on view through July 28, 2024.
The title of Salvador Jiménez-Flores’ solo exhibition “Arte-Sano: Soy libre porque pienso” at Belger Crane Yard Gallery translates to “Craftsman: I am free because I think.”
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