We’re back again for more weekend picks from our editor, Alice Thorson. This week, Spinning Tree Theatre premieres their latest, Amy Grant sings with the..
The Kansas City Jazz Orchestra – “British Invasion” WHEN February 26 @ 8pm WHERE Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, 1601 Broadway Blvd., Kansas City,..
Developers of Unmatched Quality Living in Kansas City This private Kansas City community gives residents the luxury lifestyle and a prime Country Club Plaza location...
NCECA is National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts. Colloquially, it is known as “Clay Mecca.” The annual conference travels around the country from..
Native American artist Wendy Red Star considers different cultures from a variety of angles—consumption and commodity, contradictions within community, insider/outsider identity— in her solo show at Haw Contemporary.
"It’s hard to pinpoint the single moment when my appreciation for this art became a mild obsession,” writes Kelly Ludwig in her book Detour Art (Kansas City Star Books, 2007).
Kansas City Jazz Orchestra, under the direction of Clint Ashlock, presents the British Invasion!
The Kansas City Jazz Orchestra, under the direction of Clint Ashlock, presents the British Invasion! Friday, February 26th at 8pm in Helzberg Hall With apologies..
NCECA Offers Conference Scholarships to Kansas City Students and Teachers
NCECA is excited to offer single-day pass scholarships to 100 students and 10 teachers from Kansas City area high schools. Students and teachers from schools..