The Harriman-Jewell Series’ 59th season is chock-full of longtime favorites like Emanuel Ax, as well as exciting new offerings, including a collaboration with the Mark Morris Dance Group celebrating the late, great Kansas City native Burt Bacharach.
An unforgettable opera in the shadow of the Parthenon, palpable, monastic peace and breathtaking views of ancient rock formations and ruins contrasting the sun-dappled ocean…
Library Celebrates 125th Anniversary of its Landmark Westport Branch
Tucked inside the March 3, 1898, edition of The Kansas City Star was a brief item about the area’s newest library, opened little more than a week earlier in Westport.
In 2015, the Kansas City Museum acquired the collection of the Donald K. Piper Memorial Medical Museum, a significant collection of medical instruments and historical archives from St. Joseph Hospital.
Groundbreaking Alberto Giacometti Exhibition to Open at Nelson-Atkins
One of the greatest of all Modern artists gets his first Heartland retrospective in a dynamic, exclusive exhibition this spring at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
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