Author: Libby Hanssen

Kansas City Symphony Presents World Premiere of Jonathan Leshnoff’s Piano Concerto
Throughout many ancient traditions, the soul is equated with the breath: “atman” in Sanskrit, “ruh” in Sufism, “pneuma” in ancient Greek. In Jewish mysticism, the concept is “neshama,” the part of the soul that is intellect and expression and awareness, of God and of one’s self.

Goons, Dames and Mozart: Hometown Tenor Debuts in Lyric Opera of Kansas City’s “The Abduction from the Seraglio” Reboot.
Lyric Opera of Kansas City makes “The Abduction from the Seraglio”—a story about love, about pride and about power—into a captivating rom-com set in the seedy back alleys of Hollywood.

Wylliams/Henry Contemporary Dance Company Presents “Southern Exposure”
This fall, Wylliams/Henry Contemporary Dance Company restages its 2010 work “Southern Exposure” with the help of a $10,000 Art Works grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. “With all of these things that have happened in the past few years...I thought it was time to revisit it again, in a slightly different perspective,” said Mary Pat Henry.