Park ICM Proud to Present Chopin Gold Medalist Dang Thai Son
A truly spectacular musician, Vietnamese-Canadian pianist Dang Thai Son is making a rare appearance in Kansas City as part of the Park International Center for..
The 2018–2019 Conservatory Artist Series rounds out with two time-honored performances, as well as a celebration of Robert Olson’s distinguished 50-year career. On Thursday, May..
Was there ever a Spring more highly anticipated? The Lee’s Summit Symphony will evoke thoughts of springtime at their “Symphonic Seasons” concert on March 23rd..
Saya Woolfalk: Expedition to the Chimacloud, March 1 – Sept. 1, 2019
Intense kaleidoscopic plays of color. Extraordinary shapes. Uninterrupted streams of fantastic images. An awe-inspiring new world. You have been transported to the ChimaCloud, a site-specific..