The Coterie’s “A Charlie Brown Christmas” Is a Charming Holiday Show for Very Young Audiences
Cameron Mabie, Terrace Wyatt, Jr., and Weiyi Zhang in A Charlie Brown Christmas (Jim Vaiknoras, courtesy of The Coterie Theatre) The Coterie Theatre is officially in..
KC Public Presents a Streamlined & Innovative “Faustus”
As part of its mission to engage in “radical hospitality” through theatre, Kansas City Public Theatre chooses to stage its productions in unconventional and publicly accessible locations.
At the Unicorn Theatre, “Toni Stone” Spotlights an Unsung Hero of Baseball (and American) History
If there’s one moral to Toni Stone, the new convention-defying play about a groundbreaking subject currently at the Unicorn Theatre, it might just be this: Keep your eye on the ball.
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