Category: Performing

Arts News: Spinning Tree Finds a Home
Spinning Tree Theatre, a not-for-profit company known for quality work and staging shows new to Kansas City audiences, has found a new home: the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center.The center, which houses a small theater as well as the Johnson County Museum, is where the theater company founded by Andrew Grayman-Parkhurst and Michael Grayman-Parkhurst will stage its ninth season.

Concert to Come | Celebrating the Contributions of Musica Vocale’s Arnold Epley
Arnold Epley has devoted nearly half his life to the musical culture of Kansas City and he’s not finished yet. “I used to say, if you wake me up at 3 a.m. and shake me and ask, ‘What do you do?’ I would say, ‘I’m a singer,’” said Epley. Epley turns 80 years old May 18.