Category: Performing

A Promising Lineup
Assessing a theater season before it starts is tricky business because the best you can do is draw conclusions based on what looks good on paper. There’s also the question of just where theater companies are in the planning process. Most theaters have their 2017-2018 seasons in place, but at press time the Living Room, which is dedicated to producing work by local artists, had two shows in place for the fall but nothing to announce for the spring.

The Kansas City Symphony’s 2017/18 Season Honors a Giant of American Music
Orchestras and organizations across the nation are honoring an important milestone during the 2017/2018 season. From Aug. 25, 2017 to Aug. 25, 2018, they are celebrating the 100th birthday of Leonard Bernstein, born in 1918, and recognizing his influence on American music as conductor, composer, educator and advocate. The Kansas City Symphony has planned an extensive celebration.