Kansas City Art Institute’s newest studios and The Rowland Plaza will be the epicenter for a fabulous evening of awe-inspiring fine art and festive food and drink on Saturday, June 3 at the Art & Design Auction. Silent and live auctions will feature more than 200 pieces of original artwork donated from distinguished alumni, faculty and friends of KCAI. Proceeds benefit student scholarships and programs.
Honorary Chairs Sue and Lewis Nerman and Event Chairs Abby and Alex Wendel are planning an evening perfect for friends who share a passion for supporting art and design education. Keith Jacobshagen (’65 design) is the Star Artist and one of his signature landscape paintings will be featured in the live auction. There will be a woodblock rubbing by John Buck, a flag by Peregrine Honig, a photograph by Patty Carroll and hundreds more pieces of amazing art. Artwork is valued from $75 to upwards of $25,000.

The silent auction, hosted by Paddle8, an international art auction site, will open two weeks before the event, allowing collectors a preview and opportunity to bid. The live auctioneer is Kansas City native Quig Bruning, vice president and specialist in the jewelry department at Sotheby’s Auction House.
Proceeds from this event support scholarships for students, expansion of curricula and programs, recruiting and retaining distinguished faculty members, and technology acquisitions. The auction ensures KCAI maintains its reputation as one of the premier institutions of higher education in art and design.
Buy Tickets at https://donate.kcai.edu/auction.