The concept of “forever” is deep within our human psyche. Have you ever used the words always, forever, or timeless? Who hasn’t? It’s common to us all. “As I Recall FOREVER” explores having that sense of wonder to use forever moments in one’s life to take us to a new level of understanding.
In a thought-provoking and entertaining perspective over 5 Acts, life stages are depicted with stories and song scenes that have transformed the character. In this retrospective memoir, the listener hears a realization of a master plan, as order in the universe, that is much larger than we are, shedding light on the meaning of our lives. The aim is so see yourself and own your story in the process.
The Podcast is available for free at, as well as all the Podcast Platforms. Encore material at the Next Humanity’s content camp on the website includes subject matter expert discussions on life reflection, journaling & mapping with Dave Rodriguez, transformative design with Joe Pine, author of “The Experience Economy” and more in development.
“We are not humans having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human one,” said Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. In that consciousness, the F()REVER journey becomes a faith quest, performed by a creative collaborative named The Next Humanity.

If you’re asking what is The Next Humanity, then you are asking the right question. What will be the Next Humanity? What will the world see in you, as your version of the next humanity? Even in it’s name, The Next Humanity is delving into high concepts.
Key people in The Next Humanity are Bill Mullin, the primary composer & producer who collaborated with 5 highly respected orchestrators including Robin A. Smith of London, Carl Marsh, Ric Flauding, Christopher Gentle and arranger/conductor Phillip Keveren of Nashville, while co-writing with Rob Meany and Mark Burton on 2 of the 24 songs and a lyrical adaptation of a Pat Metheny song.

Thirty-seven string & wind orchestra players and rhythm combo players, Pat Coil, Danny Gotlieb, Carl Allen, Chieli Minucci, Russ Hewitt, Jon Hamer, Brian Allen and Craig Nelson round out the high caliber roster of players. Tim Davis, music director from the show, Glee, directed 8 vocalists. Recorded in ultra high definition audio from Kansas City to Nashville, to Sweden, to London, to Prague, to LA, the production is world-class.
The music itself is available in several formats: a 3-vinyl-record set with a Collector’s Edition 64 page Vision Book, Ultra High Definition Audiophile tracks to download in 96K / 24 Bit resolution at the website or Bandcamp and MP3 songs on the music streaming services.
For more visit: or Next Humanity Social pages