In times of great oppression, simply expressing joy is an act of activist resistance. It is a statement that, despite the great attempts by some to extinguish the human spirit in fellow travelers that don’t subscribe to the dominant culture, oppression can never overcome the human spirit.
It eventually collapses upon itself, like a house built on sand.
This spirit of activist resistance shines bright through the exhibition “Joy Is Resistance,” featuring works by Kansas City’s esteemed African American Artists Collective, installed at the historic Kansas City Museum, and organized by their director of education, the nationally known poet Glenn North.
According to the posted exhibition statement, “This exhibition explores how joy has always been a revolutionary act for Black communities. It has served as a balm for pain, a testament for survival, and a vibrant expression of self-affirmation. Whether through bold colors, intimate portraits, abstract interpretations of Black life, or storytelling, each artist in this exhibit demonstrates joy in their own unique way.”
While Sonie Joi Thompson-Ruffin, a living legend in Kansas City’s art ecosystem, may be most widely known for being one of America’s premier quilt makers and textile artists, the abstract paintings she presents firmly remind us that her skillful mastery of converging shape, texture and color extends far beyond quilting.
“New York Movement,” a 24 x 48″ acrylic on canvas painting, juxtaposes both cool and warm colors against each other on a deep red background. With both slashing and delicate strokes, it emanates a visual rhythm reminiscent of the interactions of human life itself. Yes, it does remind one of navigating the endless movement on the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Harlem or the Bronx. At the same time, it speaks to cultural movement and the never-ending tension between our social evolution and the past that it leaves behind. There is tension in this work; it raises the heart rate. It feels like a contained storm that is on the verge of exploding and transforming society in its wake.
The revivalist storyteller Tracy Milsap presents “Rise & Fly,” a rhythmic and engaging video installation celebrating the ways Black Americans have found mental escape and joy despite the crushing weight placed upon them by racism.
Milsap states, “I truly believe in the transformative and restorative power of story.” Frankly, there are no words that can capture the uplifting exuberance that resonates from the video. You must see it for yourself.
“Black Door,” a mixed media figurative painting by Toni Gates, poignantly addresses the issue of Black home ownership through a profoundly simple composition that challenges the viewer to open their eyes and acknowledge the inequity resulting in Black Americans having the lowest rate of home ownership among American demographic groups.
The gifted painter Jason Wilcox continues to break new ground and explore new artistic territory in his “Good Hair,” an evocative acrylic and fabric work on a tabletop, and “Soul Food,” an image of Billie Holiday presented on dinner plates. Wilcox states that he chose plates for “Soul Food” because Billie Holiday’s music was “food for the soul.”
Other standout works include “Locs,” a visually intoxicating digital portrait by Joseph Newton that explores the aesthetic richness of melanated skin and hair, and oil stick and pastel works on atlas map pages presented by Stasi Bobo-Ligon.
Like all the African American Artists Collective’s exhibitions, “Joy Is Resistance” challenges, inspires, encourages and uplifts.
“Joy is Resistance” continues at The Kansas City Museum, 3218 Gladstone Blvd., through Feb. 28. Hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. For more information, 816.702.7700 or www.kansascitymuseum.org.