NCECA Offers Conference Scholarships to Kansas City Students and Teachers

NCECA is excited to offer single-day pass scholarships to 100 students and 10 teachers from Kansas City area high schools.

Students and teachers from schools located in the Kansas City Metro (including schools between Lawrence, KS and St. Joseph, MO) in grades 9-12 are eligible to apply for the Val Cushing Memorial Scholarship. Scholarship recipients will be given the opportunity to attend the 2016 NCECA Conference for free thanks to the generous support of donations from Anne W. Bracker of Bracker’s Good Earth Clay and long-time NCECA member and retired Slippery Rock University professor, Richard Wukich, who was mentored by Val Cushing during his formative years at Alfred University.

“Val took me to the very first NCECA conference in East Lansing, Michigan in 1967. My support of this scholarship is a way of paying forward his generosity as a teacher and the influence of his expansive vision on my life.”
–Dick Wukich

The scholarships were created in memory of Val Cushing, Alfred University professor emeritus of ceramics and founding member of NCECA, who passed away in 2013. His work has been exhibited across the United States and he was passionate about educating the ceramic artists of the future.

“NCECA 50th annual conference in Kansas City will provide an incredible experience for regional teachers and their students.  The educational possibilities are endless – viewing the ceramic work of national artists at area galleries, attending lectures, demonstrations, and panels. Most importantly, students and teachers will come into contact with many of the finest artist/craftsmen in the field today. I am pleased to help teachers and students, who represent the future of the field, access this opportunity.”
–Anne Bracker

NCECA will make scholarship day passes available to 10 teachers and 100 students from public schools in located the greater Kansas City area including Lawrence.

Interested teachers must contact Jacqueline Hardy at [email protected]. In the email, teachers must provide their names and personal contact information, the name and contact information for their school, their preferred date (Thursday, March 17 or Friday, March 18, 2016 are recommended) and the first and last names of their students. Schools will be responsible for their food and transportation. NCECA will not be able to respond to requests for scholarship passes without student names.

Scholarships will be made to eligible schools on a first come-first served basis.

Additional NCECA Conference Student Events:

NCECA 2016 Student Juried Exhibition
March 4th-April 30th, 2016
Leedy-Voulkos Art Center (2012 Baltimore Ave., KCMO)
Featuring undergraduate, graduate and post-baccalaureate students from across the United States. Juried by Liz Quackenbush and Lee Somers.

K-12 Exhibition
Reception: March 16th, 4:30-5:30pm
March 16th (10:00am-6:00pm), March 17th (10:00am-5:00pm), March 18th (10:00am- 4:00pm)
Bartle Hall, 3501 E/F, Level II
An annual competition and exhibition of K-12 ceramic students to showcase their ceramic art. Designed to showcase the best K12 ceramic art from across the country.

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