The Sunflower Biennial: Contemporary Art From Young Kansas Artists

‘The object isn’t to make art,
It’s to be in the wonderful state
Which makes art inevitable.’

–Robert Henri

Infused with personal drive and environmental connection, the artists included in The Sunflower Biennial: LIMITLESS demonstrate the extraordinary ability to create individualized statements connecting with intuitive observations. This exhibition is a contemporary perspective of works created by young Kansas artists, displaying limitless Imagination, Innovation and Insight. 

Thoughts on Imagination, Innovation and Insight   


Creativity is the foundation to our human experience, though, throughout our lives we can deny it. In youth, each of us sang, shook our hips, and doodled on whatever canvas was near at hand. It weaves a thread among all humans, which follows us as an unseen companion throughout our lives. This invisible fuel allows artists to connect to our creativity. Imagination and creativity work collectively, internally pushing the other to construct untouched ideas. When in mutual agreement, art is an inevitability.


Artists live in many worlds and seek the creative flow, fusing our waking reality with the imaginary. These worlds interact, live alongside each other, and help artists to navigate and innovate (sometimes unknowingly to them) to embrace the uncomfortable. Innovation is achieved when insight meets creativity. Rick Rubin states, ‘Every innovation risks becoming a rule.’ These artists successfully strive to not become comfortable with one way of creating. 


Artistic practice affords a natural meditation and concentration which manifests through insight. Insight breeds within the petri dish of intuition and connects artists from their external world to their internal monologue. Mastery of skills, connection to their subconscious, and daily creative habits are the ideal conditions for insight to flourish. When you are current, the current is strong.

The act of creation will always provide the inevitable path to Imagination, Innovation and Insight. The Sunflower BienniaI displays a youthful and tangible freedom of creativity without external expectations, judgements, or pressures. Young artists provide perspectives which challenge previous generations with fresh ideas and experiences that continuously connect us to the threads of the present and the limitless possibilities of the future. 

–Juror, Alicia Kelly

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