From left to right: Julia Vander Weele, Spenser Fane; Evie Craig, executive director, The Arts Asylum; Leslie Greathouse, Spencer Fane; and Korey Childs, The Arts Asylum, at the recent Spencer Fane grant check presentation (The Arts Asylum)
The Arts Asylum received a $50,000 grant from Spencer Fane Charitable Giving Program. The grant will be paid in installments over the next three years, to “support its mission of ensuring artists have a seat at every community table and creating a safe and welcoming environment around our facilities and programming spaces,” stated the announcement.
The Arts Asylum is located at 824 E Meyer Blvd. in the East Brookside/South Troost Corridor and the grant will go toward immediate needs, such as parking and lobby improvements, and expanding the theater space to accommodate an orchestra/band for performances.
Evelyn Craig, executive director of The Arts Asylum, said, “Knowing Spencer Fane shares our passion for supporting the arts in Kansas City and believes in the important work we are doing makes us especially excited for and honored by this partnership. We celebrate this grant, which not only recognizes the work and mission of The Arts Asylum, but also the importance of Kansas City’s arts community and thank Spencer Fane for the firm’s generosity and support of local arts.” For more information about The Arts Asylum visit