Category: Articles

Julius A. Karash on Business and Arts – Now on Stage: Nimbleness and Innovation
Heidi Van recalls a bit of advice she soaked up during her student days at the Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre in Blue Lake, Calif.: If you’re not working, make work for yourself. “At the time, in 2000, that seemed like a revolutionary thought,” Van told me. “Traditionally, actors wait for their phone to ring.” But the phone doesn’t always ring.

Robert Stewart: Leading Man of Letters
What is the written word really worth? Only everything you can put into it. So goes the ardent ethos of probing poet and essayist Robert Stewart, veteran editor of “New Letters” magazine at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and founder of the Midwest Poets Series at Rockhurst University. Stewart’s credentials make him a high-profile player in the Kansas City literary community.

Made in KC – That’s the Ticket for The Living Room
The Living Room Theatre, the imaginative company that works out of a funky warehouse-like building near 18th and McGee, is cruising into the final show of its seventh season. And, true to form, the show is a sight-unseen world premiere: “The Tragedy of Macbeth,” Kyle Hatley’s reworking of Shakespeare’s classic about ambition, murder and guilt into a chamber piece for two actors and a guitarist.

“Between Silence and Light”
This June, Kansas City Baroque Consortium began its first summer series, “Between Silence and Light.” The series explores the journey artists make from inspiration to realization and the connections between, linking music with architecture, dance, writing and painting. The series got its name from John Lobell’s book, “Between Silence and Light,” a collection of words and images from architect Louis Kahn.