C Categories Articles Literary Visual March 20, 2023 Christopher Leitch: ‘Cooking from Memory’ In the Kansas City artist's online chapbook, participants from around the world explore food, art and community.
A Categories Articles Visual March 15, 2023 An Affordable, Nurturing Destination for Artists It’s easy to overlook the old Holsum Food Products building in Kansas City’s historic West Bottoms.
H Categories Articles Performing March 14, 2023 Harold Smith on the Art of Blackness: Black Gospel Music in Kansas City Kansas City has a storied and rich Black gospel music history.
J Categories Articles Visual March 13, 2023 Julius Karash on Business and the Arts: Amid Heightened Concern Over Natural Disasters, Overland Park Conservator Restores Hurricane-Damaged Artworks Last fall, headlines from Southwest Florida trumpeted Hurricane Ian’s impact on art.
A Categories Articles Visual March 8, 2023 Artist Pages | Scott Francis: From the West In this issue’s Artist Pages, Kansas City artist Scott Francis brings home a vision of tantalizing mountain and coastal scenes in locations from Aspen to Santa Barbara.
R Categories Articles Visual March 7, 2023 Remembering the Joyous Legacy and Art-Engaged Spirit of Marilyn Carbonell (1948-2022) The late Marilyn Carbonell was invariably kind and generous and upbeat as a supporter of the arts in Kansas City.
O Categories Articles Performing Visual March 6, 2023 On the Cyclical Nature of Life: Owen/Cox Dance Group Presents ‘aRound & aRound’ World premiere features choreography by Jennifer Owen, music by Brad Cox and Jeff Freling and video design by Nate Fors.
E Categories Articles Visual March 1, 2023 Exhibit Confronts a Thorny Chapter of U.S. History “Away From Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories” confronts a thorn of lesser-known U.S. history without flinching.
A Categories Articles Performing February 28, 2023 Artist to Watch: Seth Andrew Davis In just under 10 years, Kansas City composer Seth Andrew Davis, 28, has turned the role of the traditional musician on its side.