The Little War explores the lives of children swept up by the storms of World War I while adults were fighting on the front line and supporting the war effort.
Inventing the Future at the Kansas City Invention Convention
The Kansas City Invention Convention (KCIC) is a STEMIE competition and outreach program presented by the Linda Hall Library that supports 17 counties and 31 school districts throughout the Kansas City metro area.
Preparing Students for Future Employment: Kauffman Center Internships
The Kauffman Center’s internship program is an open-door invitation for students to acquire firsthand knowledge of the operational process of a nonprofit arts organization.
The first full-time director of the Kansas City Public Library was one of the most influential women of her day, growing and shaping a fledgling institution at the turn of the 20th century into a state-of-the-art civic centerpiece.
Salon Wall Display Increases Amount of Work on View
The Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art has over 3,000 pieces of art in its collection and, like most museums, is only able to exhibit a fraction of it at one time.
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