“The Grave” at The Living Room: A Comedy About Two Funerals and Generations of Bruised Love
The Living Room Theatre not so long ago recalibrated its mission: It would now be a company dedicated exclusively to producing work by playwrights currently..
“Paul Santoleri, Karen Kunc, John Lamberton, Meghan Rowswell,” Kansas City Artists Coalition
Philadelphia artist Paul Santoleri’s wall-sized, floor-to-ceiling drawings, now on view at the Kansas City Artists Coalition, immerse viewers in a dream-like world. In this walk-in..
In his current show at the EthnicArt Gallery, Dean Mitchell captures the angst, dignity, and strength that often define a life lived in poverty. Mitchell,..
“Brother Toad” at KC Rep is a serious play that needs a sharper edge
Where’s the heat? That question began resounding in my head as I watched the world-premiere production of Nathan Louis Jackson’s “Brother Toad,” the most recent..
Eric Sall’s “Drawing Paintings, Painting Drawings” show of nine, mostly large scale abstract artworks, is the inaugural exhibit for the Haw Contemporary Crossroads Gallery. Sall,..
“SELF: New Work by Hattie Odell,” Mid-America Arts Alliance
In a world of endless selfies and identity politics, Hattie Odell’s exhibit “SELF” manages to chart new territory when it comes to self-portraiture. “Chart” is..
‘Vietgone’ at the Unicorn is a Trip in More Ways Than One
I’ve always been a sucker for audacity and Qui Nguyen’s “Vietgone” is nothing if not audacious. This raucous, time-jumping saga about the legacy of the..