Category: Arts Consortium

On Display at the Library
Texans being Texans and mightily secure in their belief that everything bigger and better emanates from the Lone Star State, it figures that folks there would chafe at Michael Grauer’s take on the history of the panhandle city of Amarillo. It owes less to Dallas or some other Texas locale, he says, than it does to a place in flyover country some 600 miles to the north and east — Kansas City.

Imagination and Artistry Soars at the Conservatory
In a city with abundant dance opportunities, the dance faculty at the Conservatory pride themselves on producing motivated and advanced students who perform throughout their student careers and are ready to join professional companies after graduation. Students have performed the Kansas City Ballet’s Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet and Firebird, the Nutcracker tour with Albany Berkshire Ballet, Setting the Stage with Friends of Alvin Ailey and more.

Eugene Richards: The Run of Time
We live in an age in which facts have become suspect, and attention spans have eroded. We consume the majority of our news through television and online media sources that skew toward confirmation bias and clickbait rather than genuine, shared concerns. We often hear about complicated social issues — in broad sweeps, or through polarizing rhetoric, without gaining a deep understanding of the complexities that often tether these issues together.