Curating and Creating: What’s the Difference?
Panel discussion on the increasingly blurred roles of artist and curator, and how that overlapping impacts arts institutions and their public. For the final 21c Salon, Open Spaces artists ALEXANDRE ARRECHEA and TED RIEDERER (Never Records) will discuss the topic with Museum Hotel 21c Curator ALICE GRAY STITES and Open Spaces Artistic Director DAN CAMERON. Thursday, October 25.
Kurt Flecksing presents Sonoboreal, a multimedia musical performance on the Village Stage
Kurt Flecksing offers a unique musical performance on the Village Stage in Swope Park at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27. As Flecksing and his musical company perform Sonoboreal, they construct a tree-shaped, electronic artwork to connect sampled sounds and music from handmade and commercial instruments, producing a highly interactive sound and video experience.
Stuntwoman and performance artist Martika appears on the Village Stage
Martika has performed her one-woman stunt show across the country and the globe. She brings her death-defying acts to the Open Spaces Village at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct 27.
JaMetatone premiers Frog in a Pot on original, handmade instruments
Composer Ashley Miller develops his musical language by combining handmade and commercial instruments. For Open Spaces, his performance group, JaMetatone premiers his newest work, Frog in a Pot in the Village in Swope Park. Catch this completely unique musical performance at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27!

Free Etching Prints in the Park
Kansas City’s own Trey Morgan, with his portable etching press, lets us engage the living artistic tradition of handmade prints. This Sunday, Mr. Morgan prints his etchings on demand, for free, for attendees of all ages, from noon to 3 p.m, Sunday, October 28.
KC Composed celebrates local, classical music talents in the Open Spaces Village
Four local composers will premiere new works in a conert played by ensembles of local talent when Kansas City Composed celebrates our contemporary classical music scene. Don’t miss the inspiration of the UMKC Conservatory’s musical minds in the Village in Swope Park this Sunday, Oct. 28, at 1:30 p.m.
Heartland Men’s Chorus plays a revue of audience favorites in the Open Spaces Village
For over three decades, the Heartland Men’s Chorus has sung its way into the hearts of wide-ranging Kansas City audiences. The HMC is a cultural institution championing diversity and freedom of expression while having a lot of fun! It will perform audience favorites from its past in the Open Spaces program, From the Heart, on Sunday, Oct 28 at 3:30 p.m. in the Swope Park Village.