Morgana Bailey had been hiding her true self for 16 years. Overnight, coming out in a TED Talk, sponsored by her internationally reputed employer in front of an audience of her co-workers, Morgana became a human resources and human rights activist. In her brave TED Talk, she uttered four words that had been paralyzing to her, “I am a Lesbian.” But why speak up? Because she realized that her silence had personal, professional and societal consequences. “I am in human resources, a profession that works to welcome, connect and encourage the development of employees,” says Morgana. At State Street, she directs the Global Human Resources data management team, who maintains records for approximately 29,000 employees worldwide. Morgana collaborates with people across State Street as corporate policies, regulatory requirements and related employee data requirements continually evolve. Her career experiences have confirmed that the only constant is change, and one’s ability (or inability) to adapt can generate profound long-term outcomes. “I want to see the diversity of society reflected in the workplace.”
Now married to wife, Cicely Bee, Morgana Bailey Bee will join Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus and Heartland Men’s Chorus in the powerful conclusion to “Identify,” reflecting on what it means to fear the judgment of others, how it makes us judge ourselves and encourage all of us to live lives of authenticity, a life of feeling comfortable about who we are.
Morgana will also participate as part of the Pre-Show Panel, moderated by Jonathan Pryor, of UMKC LGBTQIA Programs and Services. Sponsored by GLSEN, the panels will begin one hour prior to curtain at both performances in the theater. Aimed at high school and college students, the panel will discuss navigating life, trying to fit into communities we call home and roles we’re expected to play, all while being true to ourselves and thriving in the world around us.
“Identify” will be performed at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 25th and 4 p.m. Sunday, March 26th at the historic Folly Theater, 300 W. 12th Street in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
Tickets to both performances are available online at http://hmckc.org/tickets/ or by calling 816-931-3338. Prices range from $18 to $43 with special student pricing at $7 (some ticket fees apply). Visit hmckc.org today!