On The Air with 12th Street Jump
David Basse has that sort of honey-dripped voice that is suave, urbane, laced with the right touches of spice. His appearance is that sort of debonair that harkens back to a better-groomed day. His 12TH STREET JUMP singing companion, Nedra Dixon, brings that winsome voice that can speak volumes with a whispered phrase or that full-out forte that moves listeners to goose bumps.
The Future of Music
The National Association for Music Education designates the month of March as Music in Our Schools Month. While homes may be filled with music, either through the radio or a family member playing great-grandmother’s upright piano, schools are often the place where children have access to music on regular basis.
Kick Me
Named one of Filmmaker Magazine’s "New Faces of Independent Film" in 2006, Gary Huggins is a Kansas City based filmmaker whose short films have screened at Sundance, SXSW, Clermont-Ferrand and dozens of festivals worldwide. Now he is branching into feature films. "I really have to limit myself when I write and direct shorts. It’s about concise filmmaking."
In Her Own Words
Just Google “female screenwriters” and some of the stories are not so positive about the struggles women writers face in Hollywood. To counter this, the AMC Theatres Kansas City FilmFest has united with Kansas City Women in Film and Television (KCWIFT) on a screenplay contest that is aimed at creating a short film that would be about 13 to 17 minutes in length.
Artistically Branching Out
High school students in the North Kansas City School District benefited from classes offered by the Kansas City Art Institute. The first students took classes in the fall and the spring semester is well underway. The dual-credit studio art classes mark the first time KCAI has partnered with area high schools to offer a dual-credit program.