Catfish, I can’t tell you what it is. “A shattering conclusion.” “The best Hitchcock film Hitchcock never directed.” These are a couple of the tag line..
In 1703 Rosalba Carriera started using pastels as her primary medium to paint portraits that became phenomenally popular in Paris, France. Flash forward 307 years..
Charlotte Street Foundation’s Urban Culture Project is pleased to present YOU COMPLETE ME an exhibition of interactive audio and video installations by HACK.ART.LAB, a Wichita,..
KC Rep Mourns Death of George Keathley, Artistic Director from 1985-2000
It is with much sadness that the leadership, staff and artists of Kansas City Repertory Theatre reflect upon the death of its former artistic director..
Machete kills and kills again. defines campy as “something so outrageously artificial, affected, inappropriate, or out-of-date as to be considered amusing.” Campy is the..