Going the Distance opens September 3

Don’t waste your frequent flyer miles on Going the Distance. 

Boy gets dumped and boy gets laid all within the same night!  That’s Hollywood for you.  Boy falls into a six-week-long-NYC intern romance and finds himself traveling coast to coast to keep the relationship afloat, something in the past he’s clueless about.  This movie “Going the Distance” has all the reminders for any of us who have been in long distance relationships stuck between airports, on phone calls, encouraging phone sex, emails, sexting and Internet Skype into the wee hours of the night. It’s exhausting, frustrating and both gets tired of missing each other vis a vis NYC and San Francisco.

The problem is that this movie is so predictable.  It’s only lucky that it opens while still under the guise of stupid summer movies 2010 and just under the wire, now we’re done watching mindless, aimless dialogue for the season.  My question is, are these two leading stars, Drew Barrymore (Erin) and Justin Long (Garrett) a current item, because if they are and based off this movie, I sure hope they live in the same proximity, otherwise, they’re in serious trouble.

I had to ask myself during the film, “How old are these people?” because they acted just like my high school friends I left behind years ago, due to their level of immaturity and the reason why I’ve never wanted to go back to attend a reunion. Please understand, I am NOT the faint of heart; in fact I have my own personal repertoire of slang words that I use on a daily basis, but this script became ridiculous.  The “F” bomb is used ad nauseam, dry-humping verbal and visual, Bxxx Jxx’s, masturbation, the “F”-it List (a play on words from a previous movie that had relevance) irritating fantasies that didn’t match up betwixt the two and bowel movements on the toilet while belching beer.  Do you get the picture?

I suppose if I skimmed the surface, there were some moments about how hard it is (no pun intended) to keep a long-distance relationship going while feelings and misperceptions get lost in translation.  But really………………………….

Going the Distance was predictable and quite honestly, a silly movie for grown-ups to watch and I think it should have a “hard R+ rating” for those audiences that this movie would appeal to.   Was I surprised — not at all? Was I disappointed —not at all. Was I glad when the movie was over; you bet!

Heidi Nast

Heidi Nast is the Executive Director of the Arts Engagement Foundation of Kansas City and Co-Founder of KC Studio Magazine.

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