Category: Articles

Ben Wills: Restoring the Humanity of Prisoners
You could almost call it art by accident. Ben Wills and a friend were tossing a paper airplane back and forth in their Atlanta studio. The plane had been constructed by a man in prison. It was sturdy. It flew straight and true. Wills and his friend had been playing catch with the construction for several days in a row.

Concert to Come | ‘Nelly Don: The Musical’ at MTH Theater
Nell Donnelly Reed is going from the history books to center stage with the world premiere production of “Nelly Don: The Musical” at MTH Theater in March. It’s a tale that digs into a significant figure in Kansas City’s past: a story of the American dream, female empowerment, Kansas City mobsters and . . . pink gingham, with ruffles.

Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art Hires a New Executive Director
Sean O’Harrow has been named executive director of Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art. He will be the fifth executive director in the museum’s 25-year history. In a recent telephone interview, O’Harrow said he feels “fortunate and honored” to be chosen for the post.
Women Playwrights Ascendant at KC Rep
In 2010 an arts journalist at the “Denver Post” interviewed theater experts and compiled a list of the 10 most important American plays of the 20th century. The playwrights included all the usual suspects: Arthur Miller (two of his plays were on the list), Tony Kushner, Tennessee Williams (also represented twice), Edward Albee, Eugene O’Neill, Thornton Wilder and August Wilson.