Category: Literary

Honors: Bridget Lowe
Maybe it is true what folklore says about red hair—it is the color most likely to adorn poets and madmen. Bridget Lowe, with her shimmering auburn hair, holds in esteem the inner workings of both. Perhaps that is why Herbert Leibowitz, publisher and founding editor of Parnassus: Poetry in Review, describes her work as “uncommonly mature.”
Honors: Carlos Perez
Transgenderism is more mainstream than ever in 2015, if only because of unprecedented media coverage surrounding the transition of Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner. Local writer Carlos Perez stands to benefit from the trend with his new transgender stage drama, In Hyding, although he wasn’t influenced by the former Olympic champion and reality TV star coming out as female.
Honors: Jordan Stempleman
Regardless of their differences, the arts and faith communities share a belief in the human need to connect. It’s also true that, to a great extent, local artists depend on community support. REACH—an alliance of Kansas City-area churches—has established the “Gift of Faith” awards to lend such support to Kansas City-based artists.