How do cross-genre orchestrations become woven into a concept story arc narrative & ethereal imagery?
When Bill Mullin faced what to do with what had grown to have a life of its own as a long-from thematic music program, it became a challenge with what has publicly become “short-attention-span theater”.
As a recording producer, Mullin asked, “What happened to feet-up, eyes-closed listening?” Being absorbed in music never went away for some; for others, listening became bite-sized songs on streaming services. The concept album has faded with digital media. Yet, episodic video program viewing has become a common behavior. “Binge-watching” was coined. How to make music listening fixating and fascinating in that format with an enhancing narrative was the motivation.
“As I Recall F()REVER” is the culmination of a 4-year production. While establishing the Podcast Musical format, it is also a musical memoir journeying into all of life’s stages. It is a faith quest narrative, connecting the dots in one’s life.
The journey started as self-examination through songwriting—to look at all the moments, experiences, and encounters with people and places in Mullin’s life that had a life-changing impact on him, asking why they have left such an indelible mark. The process became soul-deep. “I realize those reflections were my forever
moments,” Mullin explains.
“The concept of forever is deep within our human psyche,” Mullin elaborates. “We use the everyday terms always and forever or timeless from that innate sense. Upon examination, it is not long before its spiritual nature becomes apparent. So yes, this musical memoir is my story, but hey, I make a really good bad example to learn from. A black belt sinner, as Mary Karr would say. (You’ll hear about her in it.) Yet, within the scenes & songs, they can apply to anyone at any stage of life, young or old, rich or poor, believer or spiritually curious.”
As the music was produced, it took on a life of its own. It was no longer a solo project, but a dynamic team effort. So, the collaboration formed a “collaborative”; a group named The Next Humanity. The songs were not just a collection of tunes but formed a dramatic arc of Mullin’s experiences. That became the framework for the title, “As I Recall F()REVER”. The Podcast Musical is free at and all the podcast platforms.

Moving to KC from California just prior to the pandemic, Mullin relied on music associates and resources he knew, with best-in-class production from Kansas City, to Nashville, London, Prague, Sweden and LA.
From the website,, an eco-system was built to have a content camp where the podcast listening is free. There’s a step-up level of music-only listening, UHD audiophile quality track downloading and special interest support resources, like how to create one’s life story accounts. The initial guest expert in the post-show content camp is Dave Rodriguez, addressing going from ambition to purpose to find your calling. Then, Joe Pine, author of the NYT best-selling book, “The Experience Economy” addresses the theme from his upcoming book about Designing for Transformation in business and in your life’s aspirations.

The music & scene themes in the musical have issues, dilemmas, tragedies, challenges, break-throughs and victories within, to be fertile ground for additional content camp resources.
There is also a Collector’s Edition 68-page Vision Book (Playbill or Liner Notes on steroids) and 3 vinyl record set for the fullest membership. Mullin admits, “It’s epic. And yet I hope it is a guiding light to professional artists who want to create their own value space to build community. There has been a commoditization of music in the digital onslaught and artists must take on some pioneering to differentiate outside the churn platforms. Well, that’s my spiel and I’m sticking to it.”
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