Spinning Tree’s “Nine,” an American Musical Born of Italian Cinema, Showcases Talent and Hard Work
“Nine,” the 1982 Broadway musical nominally based on Federico Fellini’s surrealistic satire, “8 1/2,” is enjoyable to the extent that you can relate to the..
Ayad Akhtar’s The Invisible Hand is a brainy thriller balanced precariously between a melodrama and an international finance seminar. It’s fascinating, unique and even educational..
“Back Where They Came From,” Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art
“Back Where They Came From” is an exhilarating exhibit combining craftsmanship with wit, heart and ideas. The objects in this show also express deeply felt..
Two-character plays present daunting challenges to both writers and actors, but the genre will be with us forever because of one shining virtue: They’re cheap..
Despite the optimistic title, this exhibit of works by 13 Kansas City Art Institute alumni evidences traces of anxiety, perhaps reflecting the violence and oppression..
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