Category: Articles

Chronicling the Great and Necessary Contradictions of an Artist
In his upcoming book, “Literary Alchemist: The Writing Life of Evan S. Connell,” Steve Paul turns his meticulous scrutiny toward the late author of “Mrs. Bridge” and “Mr. Bridge,” and reveals him to be so much more than “the late author of ‘Mrs. Bridge’ and ‘Mr. Bridge.’”

Concert to Come: Using the Power of Choral Music to Promote Unity
For many groups, just getting back on stage with an audience is celebration enough, but for Spire Chamber Ensemble and Baroque Orchestra, planning their first return-to-the-stage concert after 623 days apart was an opportunity to reflect on the year we had and contemplate the future we want to build.

Two Touring Shows Touted as “Immersive” Van Gogh Experiences Stop in KC
Vincent van Gogh is big business. And even when he’s not, people everywhere are free to appropriate his name, his image, his art, and his legacy for their own purposes. Usually, that leads to turning a buck. That’s not hard to do when an artist’s body of work exists in the public domain.